High School English CourseBook

Point 5! is a two-part English course for Charedi girls at a five-point level. The Units are available for teachers to dowload and use in the classroom.
Point 5! Book 1
Point 5! Book One is the first Book in a two-part English course for Charedi girls at a five-point level, in tenth grade. Each of the ten Units from the student courseBook is accompanied by a Unit from the teacher's guide and listening files. Teachers may download and use individual Units or the entire Book.
Point 5! Book 2
Point 5! Book Two is the second Book in a two-part English course for Charedi girls at a five-point level, in eleventh grade. Each of the ten Units from the student courseBook is accompanied by a Unit from the teacher's guide and listening files. Teachers may download and use individual Units or the entire Book.